姓名 : 王盼
职称/职务: 副教授,硕士生导师,经济学教研室党支部书记
办公电话: 010-62983909
电子邮件: wangpan_dream@163.com
办公地点: 商管楼214
通讯地址: 北京市海淀区信息路48号
个人简历: 2013.8 就职于太阳集团城网址83138
2013.7 毕业于北京邮电大学
研究领域: 体育统计、经济统计、体育经济、非线性偏微分方程和孤子
以第一作者身份发表SCI英文期刊论文20余篇。第一作者身份在一级学术会议发表题为“体育赛事赞助效果的评价方法浅析”的论文。主持一项国家级自然科学基金课题“非均匀海森堡铁磁旋转系统中高阶非线性薛定谔模型的解析研究”。参与一项国家级课题“我国大型体育场馆国有资产深化改革研究”。参与一项省部级横向联合课题“《体育标准化百问百答》系列丛书”。参与一项省部级横向联合课题“冬奥遗产第三方专业机构研究和报告编制服务”。参与一项省部级教学研究项目“《高等学校工商管理类专业教学质量国家标准》使用指南研究”。参与一项省部级教学研究项目《高等学校工商管理类专业人才培养方案研究》。参与一项校级课题“非线性光学等领域中的带有高阶非线性项的变系数薛定谔类型方程的达布变换及孤子解”。 参与一项校级课题“我国体育资产投资及产权交易现存问题及理论借鉴”。
Pan Wang, Yan-Li Li and Feng-Hua Qi, Interactions of solitons for a generalized nonlinear Schrodinger equation from the inhomogeneous Heisenberg ferromagnetic spin system, Applied Mathematics Letters, 102 (2020) 106139.
Pan Wang,Jian-Rong Yang,Li Chen,Sheng-Xin Li and Feng-Hua Qi,Analytical study on the generalized fifth-order Kaup-Kupershmidt equation from the shallow water wave, Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics,60 (2020) 1480-1487.
Pan Wang and Shu-hong Xiao, Soliton solutions for the fifth-order Kaup-Kupershmidt equation, Physica Scripta, 93 (2018) 105201(10p).
Pan Wang, Feng-hua Qi and Jian-rong Yang, Soliton solutions and conservation laws for an inhomegeneous fourth-order nonlinear Schrodinger equation, Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 58 (2018) 1856-1864.
Pan Wang, Shu-hong Xiao, Li Chen and Gang Yang, Analytical study on the generalized Davydov model in the alpha helical proteins, Modern Physics Letters B, 31 (2017)1750178(13p).
Pan Wang, Bilinear form and soliton solutions for the fifth-orderKaup-Kupershmidt equation, Modern Physics Letters B, 31 (2017)1750057(8p).
Pan Wang, Bo Tian, Kun Sun and Feng-Hua Qi, Bright and dark soliton solutions and Baklund transformation for the Eckhaus–Kundu equation with the cubic–quintic nonlinearity, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 251(2015)233-242.
Pan Wang, Soliton solutions for some x-dependent nonlinear evolution equations, Physica Scripta, 89 (2014) 035203(10p).
Pan Wang, Bo Tian Wen-Jun Liu and Kun Sun, N-soliton solutions, Backlund transformation and conservation laws for the integro-differential nonlinear Schrodinger equation from the isotropic inhomogeneous Heisenberg spin magnetic chain, Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 54 (2014) 727-743.
Pan Wang, Conservation laws and solitons for a generalized inhomogeneous fifth-order nonlinear Schrodinger equation from the inhomogeneous Heisenberg ferromagnetic spin system, European Physics Journal D, 68 (2014) 181.
Pan Wang, Bo Tian, Wen-Jun Liu, Min Li, Kun Sun, Soliton solutions for a generalized inhomogeneous variable-coefficient Hirota equation with symbolic computation, Studies in Applied Mathematics 125 (2010) 213-222.
Pan Wang, Bo Tian, Yan Jiang, Ming Wang, Symbolic computation on Backlund transformation and soliton solutions for a generalized nonlinear Schrodinger equation in the inhomogeneous fibers, Physica Scripta 87 (2013) 045014.
Pan Wang, Bo Tian, Symbolic computation on the bright soliton solutions for the generalized coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations with cubic–quintic nonlinearity, Optics Communications 285 (2012) 3567-3577.
Pan Wang, Bo Tian, Symbolic computation on soliton dynamics and Backlund transformation for the generalized coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations with cubic-quintic nonlinearity, Journal of Modern Optics 59 (2012) 1786-1796.
Pan Wang, Bo Tian, Wen-Jun Liu, Yan Jiang, Yue-Shan Xue, Interactions of breathers and solitons of a generalized variable-coefficient Korteweg-de Vries-modified Korteweg-de Vries equation with symbolic computation, European Physics Journal D 66 (2012) 233 (1-10).
Pan Wang, Bo Tian, Yan Jiang, Yu-Feng Wang, Integrability and soliton solutions for an inhomogeneous generalized fourth-order nonlinear Schrodinger equation describing the inhomogeneous alpha helical proteins and Heisenberg Ferromagnetic spin chains, Physica B In Press (2012).
Pan Wang, Bo Tian, Wen-Jun Liu, Yan Jiang, Backlund transformation and N-soliton solutions for the cylindrical nonlinear Schrodinger equation from the diverging quasi-plane envelope waves, Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung A 67 (2012) 441–450.
Pan Wang, Bo Tian, Wen-Jun Liu, Xing Lu, Yan Jiang, Lax pair, Backlund transformation and multi-soliton solutions for the Boussinesq-Burgers equations from shallow water waves, Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2011) 1726-1734.
Pan Wang, Bo Tian, Wen-Jun Liu, Qi-Xing Qu, Min Li, Kun Sun, Lax pair, conservation laws and N-soliton solutions for the extended Korteweg-de Vries equations in fluids, European Physics Journal D 61 (2011) 701-708.
Pan Wang, Bo Tian, Wen-Jun Liu, Qi-Xing Qu, Yan Jiang, Conservation laws and analytic soliton solutions for coupled integrable dispersionless equations with symbolic computation, Communications in Theoretical Physics 54 (2010) 687–696.
Pan Wang, Bo Tian, Wen-Jun Liu, Ying Liu, Qi-Xing Qu, Soliton solutions and Backlund transformation for the generalized inhomogeneous coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations via symbolic computation, Physica Scripta 80 (2009) 065012.